1. "The Gold Country Times"-newspaper. Sept. 28, 2009.
Contains reproduction of the collage on canvas: "Two Loveable Cities".

2. "Perspectives"- Placer Arts: newsmagazine-quarterly. Winter 2009.

3. "Appeal Democrat"-newspaper. June -08-2011. Marysville, CA.
Contains reproduction of the collage on canvas: "Second Chance "and "Open Safe".

4."Enterprise Record "-newspaper. September -18-2011.Chico,CA.
Contains reproduction of the collage on canvas: "Wildlife Energy".

5."Appeal Democrat"-newspaper.October-13-2011.Marysville,CA.
6." Las Vegas Review journal "- Arts and Culture. June-24-2017. Las Vegas .Nevada.Contains reproduction of the mixed media on canvas : " Successful Day ".